As stated in the last blog now its time to dive into the terms we use when describing a processor
They are:
1)The architecture of a processor
2)No of cores in a processor
3)The difference between two successive transistors
4)Clock speed

As promised let's get into the topic without delay
Let's make the things interesting by assuming the silicon wafer on which a processor is built, as free land where we are going to build a building for work. We all know that the architecture of the building is done by civil engineers similarly the plan of building processor on the silicon wafer is done by some of the reputed tech giants like ARM(ADVANCED RISK MACHINES). This company makes the plan of processors
         We all know the interior space of the building is based on the plan of engineers and the more spacious interior more works can be done hence good architecture of processor also plays a vital role in its working. ARM makes the architecture of processors and some of it are ARM CORTEX A73, ARM CORTEX A75, etc based on the resources
 The advanced the architecture the good is the use of land and in this case good use of the space in silicon wafer resulting in an efficient processor
Now let's jump into the next term no of cores in a processor
      we can relate no of  cores of a processor to no of hands a worker has and as the no of partitions in the building, basically the more no of cores the better is the efficiency as the works are done by all the cores and finally the result is combined but it might not be true for every case as some contexts have the algorithms in a sequence and one must follow it to get the result here the work cannot be split into partitions and the work is done consuming more power and providing less efficiency
Now comes the distance between two transistors, we all know that we can travel faster when we chose the shortest distance possible i.e displacement the same is true with the fabrication of processors the lesser the distance between two successive transistors the more faster information can be transferred with less power consumption and more efficiency
hence nowadays flagship processors are shipped with 7nm fabrication leading to greater transfer speeds and efficiency
Now comes the clock speed of a processors
    it is basically the doors in our building through which we move, the faster the opening and closing of doors the faster we travel hence the greater the clock speeds the faster the information is processed
      let's stop until here and continue with the technology involved in the  process of manufacturing processors i.e CMOS and NMOS on my next blog
