Hello friends Today I am back with another topic which fascinates not one by many Instead the world is drowned in this Mystic and hypnotic magic The cameras Sounds fascinating right ?????? Yeah although we are living in the age of social media where without out camera one would look like an animal in a zoo

Without any delay, let's get into the topic of camera

          Ever wondered how does a camera works Here I have an answer for you
Image result for working of a camera
       The camera, on the whole, is the device which captures our sweet memories , the working of a camera is subdivided into several categories based on their functions
                                                               1.INPUT(capacitive screen)                         2.CPU AND RAM                                   3.SOFTWARE AND PROGRAMMES
 5.Finally The CAMERA app
INPUT: This input signal feeds into CPU and RAM where CPU(central processing unit) acts as the brain and RAM s working memory
                            Soft ware and camera app are moved from smartphone storage location which in this case is SSD (SOLID STATE DRIVE)  to RAM (random access memory)
                                                 Once the camera software is loaded the camera is activated and the light sensor in it measures the brightness of the room and a laser range finder measures the distance to the object in front of the camera Based on these readings the CPU and Software sets the electrical shutter to limit the amount of incoming light while a miniature motor moves the camera lens forward and backward in order to get objects in focus The active image from the camera is sent back to the display and depending on the environment an LED light is used to illuminate the scene Finally when the camera is triggered a picture is taken and sent to the display to review and sent to SSD for storage

       The power supply and the wires are the keys which help in opening the picturesque of the world as the battery and the wires are the life providers for the camera

          The components like CPU and the RAM are embedded in the high-tech equipment the PCB which serves as the ground to the breathtaking process of photography.

Image result for working of a camera

Now let us try to relate this complicated terms with the most renowned camera the eye
CPU---------- BRAIN

Overall it takes a complete system of complex process to click a single picture
Let's get to the working of these parts in no time
                       Before getting into the working of the camera let us first take a look at the working of a human eye so that the working of the camera can be easily understood

Our eye consists of

                    4.Ciliary muscles
                    6.Optical nerve
                    8.Viterous humor
                   10.Retina blood vessels
Image result for human eye

Image result for human eye vs camera

Image result for human eye vs camera

                            The cornea is the outer lens which takes in a huge amount of light and focusses it Now the amount of light passing into the eye is limited by the iris
                            A Second lens whose shape can be altered by the ciliary muscles around it and it bends the light to create a focussed image. This focussed image travels through the eye until it hits the retina and forms an image there. At retina, a massive grid of cone cells and rod cells absorb the photons of light and output electrical signals to nerve fiber which goes to the brain for processing and rods can absorb all the colors in the visible region and output black and white pictures and the cone cells absorb colors from RGB color space i.e RED, BLUE, GREEN and produce a colored image

Now let's dive into smartphones camera
                  The smartphone camera has a set of lenses with a motor which allows the camera to change its focus these lenses take a wide angle of light and focus it to create a clear image and next there is an electronic shutter that controls amount of light (intake) that hits the sensor and at the back of this camera module there is a massive grid of light-sensitive particles and this grid and its resulting circuit is called the Image sensor and each light-sensitive unit (square) in a grid is called a pixel

                     A microlens and color filter is placed on top of each individual pixel to first focus and then represent the colors in RGB color space thereby allowing only that specific ray of light spectra to pass through each pixel and then trigger them in the highlighted zone. The active light-sensitive region of the photodiode functions same as a solar panel  receiving the information through light signals and then creating electric impulse leading to representation of the picturesque i.e When  a photon hits the junction of materials in the photodiode (PN JUNCTION) all the electrons present there absorbs photons and result in its jump to excited states
                              Here because of electromagnetic field provided electrons are pushed away so that it cant recombine with the atom .when a lot of photons ejects electrons a current of electron builds up and these current impulses help in the representation of an image

                        The electric impulses are read and recorded by pixels through the process of reading information Row by Row i.e at a given interval of time only one row is read and is sent for reading to analog to digital converter  at a time Here the rolling electronic shutter is estimated with row value readings The analog to digital converter interprets the build of electrons and converts it into a digital value and this value is stored in memory location and this image is sent to CPU for processing  and thus we get the image from CPU after it processes it

                           Sounds complicated right ???? I think that the working of the human eye is more complicated than the working of the camera

            And here's the question of the day Our eye has only 3 three types of cone cells each of which can absorb RGB colors How can we identify colors of the whole visible spectrum ????? Comment down your answer and feel free to ask any queries related to this topic
