Working of Laser!!!!

Hello friends! today I am back with one of the most absorbing topics in the world Lasers!

                             The term Laser means Light Amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
Lasers have been related to science fiction for many years back to the 19th century but today lasers are being related to Life in many ways like Optical communications and barcode scanners without which one has to wait a long time in the shopping queue. It finds its use in many ways starting from child's play to use in eye surgeries and its use in shaping the diamonds
There are Three Main characteristics of Lasers:
1.Single wavelength
2.Great intensity
3.Narrow beam
To start with an example I take eye surgeries in which we make use of a green laser which is of single wavelength for that color passes through eye lens followed vitreous humor of the eye without being strongly absorbed hence minimizing the risk of damage. With its great intensity, the laser beam strikes the retina where the tissue absorbs the high-intensity light to weld the retina back into place
                                              Here the narrowness of the beam allows the surgeon to affect only the area which needs a fix which is as small as 30 microns

How a laser creates light with these characteristics is one of the bases of optical engineering.

                              Any glow in the dark toy can illustrate the basics of creating a laser light.
as the toy glows because the zinc copper-based compound coating the inside can absorb energy from a light source and then radiate it as light this provides energy to electrons in the inner coating promoting electrons to higher energy levels after the light is off the electrons slowly lose the energy and return to ground state this energy is given off as light This closely relates to the engineering of  laser

Now let us consider the very first laser the ruby laser, When we shine blue light on the ruby crystals it glows red unlike the glow in the dark toy the light appears spontaneously and when we shut off the blue light  the light disappears

                                             The first laser was demonstrated by taking a cylindrical ruby crystal surrounded by a flash lamp. An intense burst of light from lamp initiates laser

The Working: The flash would promote a few electrons from the ground state to excited state and then they lose a bit of energy and then fall to a lower energy state without emitting light and then drop to ground state giving the burst of light. The light produced is incoherent light to create a laser it takes an extremely powerful lamp. In these lasers, the repeated flashes are called pumping and this makes something amazing... This supplies much energy so that population inversion occurs
Rami Arieli: "The Laser Adventure"

The electrons from population inversion returning to the ground state release light which starts stimulated emission the photon produced when the electron decays induce other excited electrons to simultaneously decay and release photons that creates the property of laser coherent light. Now to get a narrow beam with all light rays parallel and with single wavelength we require an addition to our ruby i.e creating resonant cavity by silvering the two ends  hence the light parrel to axis becomes intensified and gets narrow in wavelength i.e only light of particular wavelength can exist inside a cavity now a small hole in one of the ends of cavity helps to create similar beam which satisfies properties of laser

That's it for now........... let's get deeper in the subject by developing interest towards it


  1. You are simply amazing!!! Wonderful knowledge 👍

  2. What a knowledge sir u have.. .👏👏👏


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