Quantum Teleportation!!!!

Hello Guys! Welcome to our world of Awesomeness !! Technology!! I am going to post one fascinating topic related to science and technology every week feel free to question me anything about technology. Now without any further delay Lets Roll inside!!!!

   For teleporting general world objects we must measure the exact structure of the object we want to teleport and this is not possible due to the well-known principle The Heinsbergs Uncertainty Principle which states that if we know the momentum better the position takes a hit and if we know the position better the momentum takes the hit.

But don't get disappointed yet we can't teleport real-world objects as of now but we can teleport the information or states of quantum particles like spin

spin refers to the behavior of the particle when putting inside a magnetic field it acts like a magnet deflecting up or down

Now the Working of Quantum Teleportation !!!!
But before it...
Let us take a particle with spin 0 and this decays into two particles with spins -1/2 and +1/2 so that the total spin after the decay is 0 satisfying conservation of angular momentum

As we know when we talk about quantum we must talk about superposition

Superposition: An object exists at all possible states and the act of Measuring the object forces it to Choose a definite state

now let the particles be in two different boxes in which  one box is with me and the other is with you we both don't know what's inside the box i.e about the spin

Until we open the box the spin exists in superposition which means it is in both states both upward and downward now if I open the box from any part of the world irrespective of the distance between us the spin is forced to take a state if the spin of a particle with me is +ve then at the same instance the spin at the other end i.e with you turns negative and vice versa This is instantaneous!!!

Each particle is now said to be entangled with each other as they seem to know the state of the other. This phenomenon was called a spooky action at a distance by one of the renowned scientist Einstien as it went against everything einstein knew about Physics

Now we use this phenomenon to perform quantum teleportation (teleportation of information)

Quantum information needs to be embedded in a particle and this information cant be copied or destroyed

A Bit of Quantum information is called a q bit and if you want to send me a qbit it needs to be embedded in the third particle let us call it Y and let the entangled particle with you is A and particle with me be B You can teleport the particle Y with the help of quantum entanglement by performing a quantum operation so that my particle B is now transformed into Y but as quantum information cant be copied or destroyed hence the particle with you turns into something other
                                              isn't this crazy!!!!

Hence I thought to explain this simple yet beautiful topic to you all. Thanks for reading and I will bring some great topics like this regularly every week on Thursday

      Hope you all enjoyed it Thanks for reading and feel free to comment if you want to know about this further or anything fascinating about science and technology
