Hello, friends, we are back with one of the fascinating topics in the world of electricity the transformers
Image result for working of a transformer
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What is meant by the transformer ????
               Simply a transformer is a passive element which transfers power

                               As we all know there are two types of current in the world of electricity they are
                                                      1. Alternating current
                                                      2.Direct current
              We all know that transformers only work on Alternating currents
                            First of all transformer work on the principle of mutual induction
  When we connect AC generator to a closed circuit of wire or cable the current flows through the cable and the direction of current alternates in two ways i.e backward and forward with the rotation of a generator

               Alternating current means when the current reaches its maximum and minimum points during a cycle it gives sine wave pattern when connected to an oscilloscope

                              Now we can assume the sines waves as tides of the sea as it changes direction and reaches its max or minima but as the current flows through the cable the magnetic field is produced
                 (If we pass DC current through cable the magnetic field remains constant)

                         But if we pass AC current through the cable the magnetic field will vary in strength i.e increases and decreases and it changes its polarity as the current changes its direction

                      As we know that if we place multiple conducting wires together and pass AC current through them the result of the magnetic field will be strong (as the magnetic field of each conducting wires combines forming a strong magnetic field. And wrapping them in a coil makes the magnetic field even stronger in the primary coil
Image result for working of a transformer
                 Now if we place a secondary coil connected with an electrical device like bulb near to the proximity of primary coil the bulb glows this is because AC current passing through primary coil results in the magnetic field and this magnetic field will induce a current in the secondary coil

                  The magnetic force of push and pull forces the electrons to move from the primary coil to secondary coil

                 The key part of the functioning of a transformer is that the magnetic field changes polarity as well as intensity. This change in intensity and the direction of the magnetic field disturbs the free electrons in the secondary coil and forces them to move to secondary coil and thus resulting in EMF (Electromotive force)

                 This setup is not yet completed without a core because without a core the magnetic field is being wasted due to the range between primary and secondary coils

                   The core of a transformer is made of ferromagnetic material like iron and there is a loop between primary and secondary coil which guides the magnetic field along the path to the secondary coil
                   So that the magnetic field is being shared this makes the transformers more efficient

    Now comes the loss in transformers
                             1. Core loss
                             2.Hysteresis loss
                             3.eddy current loss etc
    We know that using iron as a core result in a loss like eddy current loss where the current flowing heats up the transformer i.e the energy is lost in the form of heat energy and this loss of energy can be reduced by the use of laminated iron sheets to form the core and this greatly reduces eddy current loss
Image result for working of a transformer
                      Transformers are manufactured to stet up (increase) or step down (decrease) voltages according to requirements. This is made simply by using the number of turns in the secondary coil

In Stepup transformer------ V is increased in the secondary coil
                                             I is decreased in the secondary coil
                                   To step up a transformer simply the no of turns is increased in the secondary coil when compared with the primary coil

In Step down transformer-------- V is decreased in the secondary coil
                                                      I is increased in the secondary coil

 Lets stop here and continue in my next blog

